Tonight I'm trying to organize, pack, prepare for 4 hour plane ride, and yes glanced over at the weather channel app. Oh my from Dallas warmer climate to- rain o rain. (Don't Panic self, you lived in the rain for 30 years prior to moving to Texas)
Ok lets refocus on exercise options...On these trips I got in numerous walk/jogs around the neighborhood of my accommodations at (o'dark, thirty) 5:30am Pacific.
This acclimated Texas girl no longer own rain gear, hmmm going to have to find alternatives. (Don't Panic, you have a gym membership to a national chain).
..and what do I find, Oh yes, only 7 min car ride away is a new 24Hour Fitness location.. Whooohoo!
I really hope I can get into that gym 5 times this next week to attempt some 'normalcy.'
What luck today yes another new toy to help me with my maintenance of my weight.. I did like my Fitbit but I want more data to help me isolate what whole/complete workout routines work best for my body. Today arrived my new Bodymedia Armband. I am excited to start using this! Next week will be completely off kilter, so anything this little tool can help me with I am all for it.
With out having a device per say pushing me with data recaps - I've been in a slump with weight gain slowly but surely creeping up upon me. I know that with making changes in my workout routines; adding in weight training. I don't believe that I was really burning enough calories. I hope this gadget will help me to push my self harder. (love new gadgets)
Gym time Work out today -
Leg time (short) - supersets, 12 count, 3 times
Box Squat
Leg Extentions
Seated Calf Raise
Standing Calf Raise
Cardio -
RUN 11/29/12 2.1 mi 00:30
Alright then I must head back to finalizing all my packing goodies, and getting my self to bed!
You'll do great. I'm sure you'll get plenty of exercise in P-Town.