Here's my two weeks in review..
Cardio has been what it steady with my daily route ~
My lovely tiff was so fabulous on Saturday the 16th - what fun is the mind when it plays tricks on you and you can not recall for the life of you what your iphone password is (sigh). So no Nike+ tracking - making the most of it I ended up working on a cycle machine instead. something is always bettering then nothing.
I even tried to have Siri unlock my phone -- she 'should' recognize my voice no?
eh no - cause of course I got frustrated and asked 'What are you good at?" She brought this up - seriously?!?
Finally at around the afternoon hours - the light bulb in my lovely noggin' finally went off and huzzah - an unlocked phone - and i quickly changed my password to something simpler...geeze.
So what else has kept my time at bay...
My boy has bridge from Cub Scout to a Boy Scout -
....hmmm maybe we should all be wary?
Completed my 4th Race in my #13in2013 path - on the treadmill - felt good; had to pause the app though a couple times with issues with the machine it self but i kept a very slow steady pace.

Wanna try it? Tere is a sample of what we did.
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