Monday, February 25, 2013

Traveling again...

This week another travel adventure for business...

It never seems to feel like this ... maybe one day it will? right?

So tonight I am packing my essentials for my week long trip -

Pre-workout drink - BSN NO-Xplode, Blue Raspberry
Protein Powder - Syntrax Nectar Sweets Vanilla Bean Torte

My Favorite Nike apparel; Halo Headband, Pro Compression socks, last but not least my favorite Newton Running Shoes.

I'll be gone for about a week and I am hoping to get in at least 5 work outs in. The last business trip I was able to got to a local gym with out issues. I will be trying to post my daily accomplishments here - Time zones changes sometimes gets the best of me but I've just got to be accountable and shake things up while I'm not in my normal routine.

Now the other fun aspect; I'll be struggling on controlled food options; already I have numerous business breakfast, lunch, and dinner meetings set. I don't usually take photo's of my food but I think on this trip It will be good snap shot what I've ordered to track on Weight Watchers and even isolate if this will help with my food  selections, subconsciously. (never hurts to try something new right?)

What keeps you motivated while traveling on business? Any other suggestions would be fabulous.

Happy Monday!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Week's in Review

These past couple of weeks have gone by in a blur!

Here's my two weeks in review..

Cardio has been what it steady with my daily route ~

My lovely tiff was so fabulous on Saturday the 16th - what fun is the mind when it plays tricks on you and you can not recall for the life of you what your iphone password is  (sigh). So no Nike+ tracking - making the most of it I ended up working on a cycle machine instead. something is always bettering then nothing.

I even tried to have Siri unlock my phone -- she 'should' recognize my voice no?

eh no - cause of course I got frustrated and asked 'What are you good at?" She brought this up - seriously?!?

Finally at around the afternoon hours - the light bulb in my lovely noggin' finally went off and huzzah - an unlocked phone - and i quickly changed my password to something simpler...geeze.

So what else has kept my time at bay...

My boy has bridge from Cub Scout to a Boy Scout -

....hmmm maybe we should all be wary?

Completed my 4th Race in my #13in2013 path - on the treadmill - felt good; had to pause the app though a couple times with issues with the machine it self but i kept a very slow steady pace.

Finally I was able to partake in one Crossfit class; again adoozie!

Wanna try it? Tere is a sample of what we did.



Monday, February 11, 2013

Cross Fit Crazy?!?

CrossFit is a fitness program for everyone–regardless of age or ability–who is interested in improving fitness. CrossFit provides immediate, noticeable, and positive results.CrossFit treats every participant as an athlete, and seeks to challenge that athlete with a constantly changing program featuring a wide range of functional movements performed at high intensity through a variety of modalities.CrossFit develops and maintains one’s ability to engage in the activities that improve and extend the quality of life.

My running bestie started on this program a few weeks back, of course she got me interested in taking the plunge. I purchased a 10 session package and last Saturday I tested the winds....

So far I have completed two sessions and at this point I think once a week is all that can handle at this point - ha ha. MUST allow for my body to recover... (whoa).

As an example here's what we completed this Saturday...

We were partnered up and as my friend was completing the excersise of 20 sets; I was to hold a 25lb weight and then switch. Ended up jogging a combination of almost 2 miles with this workout; felt good to break it up.

This is exactly what I felt like when we were finished....

So now Monday morning I am still feeling sore; but oh yes crazy me I am looking forward to the next session...

Have you tried Crossfit yet and if so what did you think of it?

Friday, February 8, 2013

Week in Review _ Tackle the Miles Virtual Race

This week I got the opportunity to join my son's 5th grade class for their Outdoor School Program. This meant two days of ''survial'' LOL - actually really it was great learning about nature, science, and even included small hikes through out the retreat center. We were blessed with a slight drizzle in the morning which turned into a most beautiful days - couldn't have been better weather. Gotta love Texas for that..

Yes, here is my Boy being goofy with his fruit..
All seriousness now - time for some learning!

So with this aspect yes indeed not as many gym days and not as many miles, but thats OK.
You can see LOL little 'hikes' though out Thursday....
Last night I wanted to get something IN! So with friends we started out with Crossfit on the horizon. Unfortunately the class ended up being full - so  instead made the best of it and hit the next best option the gym! So huzzah! I tackled those miles virtual race instead! 3rd RACE for 13in2013 checked off, it felt great!
This week of challenges I was able to get in for plankadays

 Here's to hoping your week was fabulous!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Busy Busy Bee again...

Busy Busy Bee again - that's me!!

The month of January I finished with
32 runs with an average distance of 2.3 Miles
75.19 Miles Total Distance

Yep - best month so far!!

I am also happy to say that I did beat my 4% weight loss in the month of January; and even ended up winning double my contribution!!

It is soo funny how all of a sudden I was at the wire and going oh NO i am going to lose $10 if i don't kick myself in gear this last week!! Thank you to my hubby for letting my hit the gym - twice in one day!

Hey and if you want to check out the next round; there will be a total of four! Click Here! I am personally taking a break to adjust my routine slightly; and may be hitting this one up on the third round!

So what else happened in my workout world this past week -

Weight Training Routine consisted of -
  • Monday  - Arms
  • Tuesday - Legs (Quads/Hammies)
  • Wednesday - Core
  • Thursday - Shoulders
  • Friday - Tri's/Biceps
  • Saturday - Cross Fit & Pilates (two new aspects in one day!! Yikes!)

    My PlankaDays for the week