Thursday, November 29, 2012

Don't Panic

Every few months or so my employer will need me to travel back to their corporate office in Oregon... and this Friday I am heading off again for a week.

Tonight I'm trying to organize, pack, prepare for 4 hour plane ride, and yes glanced over at the weather channel app. Oh my from Dallas warmer climate to- rain o rain. (Don't Panic self, you lived in the rain for 30 years prior to moving to Texas)

Ok lets refocus on exercise options...On these trips I got in numerous walk/jogs around the neighborhood of my accommodations at (o'dark, thirty) 5:30am Pacific.
This acclimated Texas girl no longer own rain gear, hmmm going to have to find alternatives. (Don't Panic, you have a gym membership to a national chain).

..and what do I find, Oh yes, only 7 min car ride away is a new 24Hour Fitness location.. Whooohoo!
I really hope I can get into that gym 5 times this next week to attempt some 'normalcy.'

So about four months ago my poor Fitbit took an unfortunate journey though the washer and dryer. I let it dry, and was able to sync it, it was a crack up that I had burned 1900 calories in the hour cycles! However after that sync it just died, again poor thing.. (Don't Panic)

What luck today yes another new toy to help me with my maintenance of my weight.. I did like my Fitbit but I want more data to help me isolate what whole/complete workout routines work best for my body. Today  arrived my new Bodymedia Armband. I am excited to start using this! Next week will be completely off kilter, so anything this little tool can help me with I am all for it.

With out having a device per say pushing me with data recaps - I've been in a slump with weight gain slowly but surely creeping up upon me.  I know that with making changes in my workout routines; adding in weight training. I don't believe that I was really burning enough calories. I hope this gadget will help me to push my self harder. (love new gadgets)

Gym time Work out today -
Leg time (short) - supersets, 12 count, 3 times
Box Squat
Leg Extentions
Seated Calf Raise
Standing Calf Raise

Cardio -
RUN 11/29/12 2.1 mi 00:30

Alright then I must head back to finalizing all my packing goodies, and getting my self to bed!

1 comment:

  1. You'll do great. I'm sure you'll get plenty of exercise in P-Town.
